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Bhutan attends the 36th Session of the FAO Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific (APRC) which is being held virtually in Dhaka, Bangladesh from March 8 to 11. A Bhutanese delegation is led by the Honโ€™ble Sanam Lyonpo, Yeshey Penjor.

Convened by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, ministers and officials from 46 Asia-Pacific countries are taking part in the conference conducted in a hybrid mode, to address the damage done to economies and livelihoods in the food and agriculture sectors by the COVID-19 pandemic, animal and crop diseases and the ongoing disruption caused by the climate crisis.

Among others, advancing the application of innovation, science and digitalization to help the agri-food system transformation in the worldโ€™s biggest and hungriest region will be the main points for consideration during the conference.

The goal of this four-day APRC-36 will be to reach a consensus that balances the needs of people, domestic animals, wildlife, biodiversity and ecosystems through One Health approaches.

Bhutan hosted the 35th session of the APRC in September 2020.

Summary of the keynote address delivered by Sanam Lyonpo is online at https://www.facebook.com/FAOBhutan/posts/266492222332216

Follow the live session of the ARRC-36 at https://bit.ly/34vWbhu



Photo courtesy: FAO Bhutan

