Agriculture Research and Development centre under the Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forest will be carrying out auctioning of bamboo available at the centre on 22nd September 2021 at 11.00 am. The interested bidders are requested to inspect the plantation and participate in the auction at conference hall of ARDC, Samtenling. The participants are required to fulfill the following terms and conditions:
- The auction will be opened to Bhutanese and they must produce their latest citizen ID cards.
- It is mandatory that only the successful bidder himself should undertake responsibility of harvesting and marketing of the bamboo.
- The participants are required to deposit a sum of Nu 5,000.00 (five thousand) only by cash payable to the Program Director, ARDC, Samtenling being the earnest money (Cheques will not be accepted). The amount will be refunded to the unsuccessful bidders at the end of the auction.
- There are tentatively 300 numbers of matured bamboos that is available for the harvest. The successful bidder is required to deposit full amount quoted to ARDC Samtenling on the fall of a hammer.
- The ARDC management expects all the participants to be familiar with the area and product they intend to bid. The agency will not be responsible for any shortcomings after the completion of auction.
- At the same time, bidders can only harvest from the area allotted to them in the auction.
- ARDC management shall not at all be responsible for the security problems that might arise in the process of harvesting and marketing the bamboo.
- During the time of harvest, care should be given to protect immature plants to avoid damages.
- The floor price of Nu 60.00 (sixty) only per bamboos is fixed by the Auction Committee considering the production and easy access to the markets.
- All the above terms and conditions must be strictly abided by all the bidders.
-ARDC, Samtenling