On 14 April 2022, Hon’ble Sanam Lyonpo visited a farm operated by a youth at Kalapang under Sailing Gewog. The farm ventures into mix vegetables, mushroom and spawn production in an area of 4.5 acres. In afternoon, Lyonpo met with 15 households of Jangdung village where they are engaged in early chilli production in 5 acres.
The last site visit of the day was made at Jamcholing Agriculture Land Development (ALD) Area. The target for this financial year for Jamcholing ALD is 22.04 areas, of which 8 acres is completed. Around Nu. 0.9 million is allocated for ALD in Jamcholing.
On the second day in Mongar, Lyonpo visited Dairy Products Processing Plant in Mongar town operated by six-member youth group and Phosorong Milk Collection Center jointly functioned by 10 households. Furthermore, Lyonpo toured Kidheykhar protected agriculture farm and interacted with farmers groups of Mongar gewog and Tsakaling gewog. During the conversation, Lyonpo expressed about the Ministry’s approach of “Market Led Production” and talked about the importance of farmers group and cooperatives, cost sharing mechanism, crop prioritization and other strategies that the ministry is planning and implementing towards realizing the national food and nutrition security.
All these processing plant, outlets and farms are supported through the project “Commercial Agriculture and Resilient Livelihood Enhancement Program”.
Also, Lyonpo met with Principals of the Mongar Higher Secondary School and Mongar Lower Secondary School, and briefed about the importance of the School and Hospital Feeding Program.