As per the Selection interview held on 18th August 2022, the office of the RCBC, Bumthang is pleased to announce the Selection Interview Results for the post of ESP (Pasture/Animal Attendant):
Sl. No. | Name | CID No | Dzongkhag | Average Marks obtained | Rank | Remarks |
1 | Mrs Dorji Yangzom | 11505000323 | Trashigang | 75.8 | 2 | Selected |
2 | Mrs Sonam Choden | 10171700750 | Mongar | 79.6 | 1 | Selected |
3 | Mr Jigme | 11515003088 | Chhukha | 74.4 | 3 | Selected |
The selected candidates will be called for the drug test and completion of other HR formalities soon after the management receives the drug testing kits.
-Regional Cattle Breeding Centre, Bumthang