Vacancies for the post of Drivers

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forest is pleased to announce the vacancies for the post of Drivers on consolidated contract for initial period of 3/1 years as detailed below:





Position TitleNo of postMinimum Qualification required
1DoFPS : (Mongar Territorial Division-1, Sarpang Territorial Division-1, Phrumsengla National Park-1, Jigme Khesar Strict Nature Reserve (JKSNR)-1, Trashigang Division – 1)

DoL: (Regional Mithun Breeding Farm, Arong-1)

DoA: (ARDSC Tsirang-1)

Driver III

(Light Vehicle)

7Class VIII passed with valid light vehicle Driving License.
2DoA: (ARDC Bajo-1, NSC Field Office Bumthang-1, NSC field Office Phobjikha-1, NSC Jeuphu farm-1, NSC Jachephu farm-1, ARDC Samtenling-1)


DoL: (National Small Ruminants Research & Development Center, Bumthang-1, Regional Mithun Breeding Farm, Arong-1)

Driver III

(Tractor Operator)

8Class VIII passed with valid Tractor Operator License.

(ARDSC, Panbang-1)

Driver III

(Power Tiller Operator)

1Class VIII passed with valid Power Tiller Operator License.


Pre-service applicants fulfilling the above -mentioned criteria may submit applications to the Human Resource Division, MoAF latest by December 22 , 2022.

The following documents must be submitted along with the application:

  1. Duly filled civil service employment application form.
  2. Class VIII certificate and marksheet.
  3. Valid driving license.
  4. Valid copy of CID.
  5. Valid Medical certificate.
  6. Valid Security Clearance Certificate;
  7. Any other certificate of experience/excellence if any.

For clarifications, please contact the HR Division at 332527/332516(DoFPS), 322813(DoL),332510(DoA) during office hours.



