Shortlisted candidate for ESP

National Research & Development Centre for Aquaculture (NRDCA), Gelephu under Department of Livestock, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests (MoAF) is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidate for the post of ESP after re-vacancy announcement vide No.NR&DCA/24-ESP/2021-2022/24 dated 12th July 2021.  Therefore, the shortlisted candidate is requested to report to the selection interview which is schedule on 10:00 am of July 27, 2021.  Failing to attend the selection interview on the stipulated date and time shall not be entertained.

#NameCID NoInterview dateInterview venueReporting time
1Choten Zangmo1090100102427/07/2021NR&DCA Conference Hall9:45 am

The following documents must be produced in original during the time of interview:

  1. Citizenship Identity Card (CID)
  2. No objection certificate if employed (if any)
  3. Original medical fitness certificate if submitted duplicate copy.

– NRDCA, Gelephu

