Invitation for Expression of Interest (EoI) for establishment of Shiitake Mushroom Spawn Production Enterprise.

The Department of Agriculture (DoA) would like to extend an invitation for submission of Expression of Interest (EoI) from the interested private entrepreneurs for the establishment of shiitake spawn production enterprise. The department would provide a support of one high pressure sterilizer (2000-3000 litres) equipment. The details on documents to be submitted and criteria for assessment are available at the link given below. The last date for submission of the EoI is on 20th February 2025.
For any additional information, please contact National Mushroom Centre (Chencho Dukpa, Program Director, 02-351951 or Dorji, Lab In-charge, at 02-351752 during office hours.

Click the link given below to download the criteria for assessment.

EOI on Mushroom Spawn.docx (125 downloads )

