Auction Notification for Bamboo

The Agriculture Research and Development Center, Samtenling (Bhur), Sarpang is pleased to announce the interested bidder to bid for the auction of bamboo available in the center through sealed tender. Therefore, interested bidder are invited to participate through sealed tender along with the security deposit of Nu 10,000.00 (Ngultrum ten thousand) only in cash which must be addressed to the Program Director, ARDC Samtenling (Bhur), Sarpang.

The tender form attached herewith should be used for quoting the price and submit to the above address in a sealed envelope. The bid must be submitted on or before 13 April 2022 10:30AM and shall be opened at 11:00AM at conference hall on the same day.

The details of bamboo allocation and terms and conditions is available on Ministry of Agriculture and Forest website and for more information please contact Ms. Yangchen during working hours at 17947214.



  1. The participants are required to deposit a sum of Nu 10,000.00 (Ten thousand) only as security deposit by cash payable to the Program Director, ARDC, Samtenling (Cheques will not be accepted). The amount will be refunded to the unsuccessful bidders at the end of the opening..
  2. The security deposit of the successful bidder will be forfeited if he/she refuses to accept the winning bids (tender).
  3. The bid must be submitted to the store section, ARDC Samtenling, Gelephu on 13th April 2022 at 10:30AM and shall be opened at 11:00AM at conference hall on same day.
  4. The opening committee shall read the quoted bid amount to all the participants and hand over to the evaluation committee for evaluation. The tender will be awarded to the highest bidder after evaluation.
  5. It is mandatory that only the successful bidder himself should undertake responsibility of harvesting and marketing of the bamboo.
  6. The ARDC management expects all the participants to be familiar with the area and product they intend to bid. The agency will not be responsible for any shortcomings after the completion of bids.
  7. At the same time, bidders can only harvest from the area allotted to them in the auction.
  8. ARDC management shall not at all be responsible for the security problems that might arise in the process of harvesting and marketing the bamboo.
  9. The floor price of Nu 55.00 (fifty five) only per bamboos is fixed by the Auction Committee considering the production and easy access to the markets.
  10. Any bidder who wishes to attend the tender opening, to witness the entire opening process and bid prices will be invited in conference hall.
  11. If there is a tie between bidders then a lucky dip shall be held as “YES” or “NO” to decide the ultimate winner.
  12. All the above terms and conditions must be strictly abided by all the bidders
  13. The bid shall be quoted in the format given in separate sheet.

-Agriculture Research and Development Center, Samtenling

