Cancellation of FSAPP tender

Kindly cancel the FSAPP tender which was uploaded in MoAF website on 16th September 2022, Monday as Recently World bank has mandated to use e-GP for request for quotation and got information to cancel the ongoing tender and carry out RFQ in e-GP.the details of tender need to be cancel are mentioned below.

NParticularSales of tender documentsDate and time of bid submissionDate and time of bid opening
1Supply of FSAPP Items for Farmer hostel and conference hall FY 2022-2023 and Supply of FSAPP Agriculture tools and equipment and hydroponic equipments for the FY 2022-2023at NCOA,Yusipang.19/09/2022 to 19/10/202219/10/2022 at 11.00 AM19/10/2022 at

11.30 AM

Please contact NCOA, Yusipang office at.(975 v,)77191124,77191125,77191126/17358422 for any clarification.

NCOA, Yusipang

