Caution note to avoid incidences with Asiatic Black Bear

This is to inform the general public that the onset of mushroom collection season coincides with an active feeding season of Asiatic black bears in our country. To avoid surprise or unpleasant encounters with a bear, the Nature Conservation Division under the Department of Forests and Park Services would like to request the general public to take the following:
Precautionary measures:
1. Avoid going into the forest early morning or late evening.
2. Avoid going alone and always travel with a partner or in a group.
3. Be alert and notify your coming/presence by making noise or shouting.
4. Avoid going close to hollow trees, caves, and den sites.
5. While encountering bears do not tease or get too close to get a photo, instead give as much space as possible.
6. Try to appear non-threatening by remaining still and calm. Stay together if you are in a group; you will appear larger and more intimidating.
7. Bears with cubs or injured bears or bears defending food sources may appear to act aggressively, so be cautious and consider turning around or take a detour and give the bear a wide berth.
8. A defensive bear will show the following attack signs; head down, eyes narrowed or ears back, may snorting or huffing, jaw popping, avoiding eye contact, swatting vegetation, foot-stamping.
Preventive measures:
1. Bears get attracted to food waste and edible garbage as easy sources of food. Please store your wastes in air-tight containers that are stored in inaccessible areas.
2. Bears get attracted to easily available food, therefore it is important to store food and eatables in bear-proof steel containers.
3. Offering of tormas and tshog-remains should be avoided in open areas near settlements.


