Chilli production picks up in Yangbari

Mongar: Forty three households at Yangbari under Gongdue gewog are cultivating winter chilli in 18 acres of lands.

The chilli variety SHF 4884 was first initiated at Yangbari in 2020.

This year, the chilli farming is scaled-up with fund support from the Commercial Agriculture & Resilient Livelihoods Enhancement Programme. The technical support are being provided by the gewog extension agent in collaboration with ARDC-Wengkhar.

It is expected that the Yangbari chilli will be available in the market by December 2021 or early January 2022.

The Hon’ble Agriculture Secretary, Dasho Thinley Namgyel visited the chilli cultivation site on October 22. Dasho also visited mass pineapple cultivation field at Yangbari, one of the main cash income for farmers.

In addition, Dasho visited Yangbari Primary School and met with teachers and students.


