6 October, Haa: The Milk Processing Unit (MPU) at Balamna was inaugurated on 6th October 2021 by the Hon’ble Dasho Dzongdag. The inauguration ceremony was also attended by Dasho Dorji Wangmo, M.P of Sangbaykha constituency, Dasho Dzongrab, Sector heads of Haa Dzongkhag administration and Samar gewog administration. More than 60 people from Dzongkhag, gewog and local community participated in the opening ceremony.
The MPU was constructed with fund support from Small Development Project, Government of India. The construction was completed in August 2021.
The main processing equipment and cold storage equipment were purchased with fund support from Global Environment Facility/Least Developed Countries Fund (GEF/LDCF). The purchase and installation of processing and cold storage equipment was initiated by Dzongkhag livestock sector.
The MPU will be operated by the youth group comprising of four members with qualifications ranging from class 10 to university graduates. The selection of MPU operator was done after in-depth consultation meeting among the group leaders of all the dairy groups under Samar gewog, representatives from Samar gewog administration and the representatives from the Dzongkhag livestock sector. The present youth group will get five years to operate the MPU.
The Dzongkhag livestock sector had trained the youth group and the group leaders of all five dairy groups under Samar gewog for five days on handling/operation of processing equipment, milk testing, processing of butter, cheese, yogurt, paneer and clarified butter (ghee).
The youth group will be guided by the Dzongkhag livestock sector in product development, market linkages and linking with donor agencies in securing additional equipment for product diversification.
Reported by Kipchu, Livestock Production Officer