Major upscaling of fodder seed production program in Bumthang

2 March, Bumthang: Livestock production is an integral part of the rural livelihood system and provides employment to the majority of rural communities. However, despite its importance, the productivity of ruminant livestock is low due to deteriorating forage quality. According to FAO, (2016), the use of improved forage plants as a feed source is recommended to address the livestock feed shortage. Improvements in dairy nutrition and better performance of dairy cows can be achieved by utilizing improved forage varieties.

In Bhutan, among the livestock ventures, dairy farming is gaining popularity as one of the main economic activities with various opportunities and potentials. The Department of Livestock continues to initiate a number of interventions and support programs in its effort to upscale livestock development in the country. With the adoption of improved breeds and good management practices, dairy farmers are gradually transforming from subsistence to commercial farming. According to the Livestock Statistics 2019, there were 92,449 milch cows including 11,000 milking yaks with annual milk production of 57,546.774 MT.

On the other hand, to support an achieving objective of the Ministry of Agriculture & Forests for attaining food security and improving nutrition, the National Research & Development Center for Animal Nutrition, Jakar has been putting concerted efforts to enhance milk production through the supply of different types of temperate and subtropical improved fodder seeds to the Dzongkhags. Annually, the center produces around 20 MT of fodder seeds and 150 MT of oat to improve pasture and winter fodder development respectively through contract fodder seed production farmers.

In recent times, the center faced challenges to meet the fodder seed demand for the 20 Dzongkhags as a lot of positive interventions have been initiated across the country through the formation of various dairy farmers’ groups, linking market for dairy products, availability of CSI loan and breed improvement program to accelerate dairy-based enterprises for the benefit of the farming community.

In view of this, the NRDCAN has started major upscaling of temperate fodder production namely Cocksfoot and Italian Rye Grass in Bumthang. About 145 farmers were assisted in land preparation with tractors and provided electrical fencing materials and basic seed. In total, 136 acres of land were developed for temperate fodder seed production purposes. With this intervention, the center hopes to address the issue of resolving the shortage of temperate fodder seed supply and meet the Dzongkhags’ demand. This program is funded by GEF project under the Department of Livestock.

Submitted by NRDCAN, Bumthang

