13-14 September, Thimphu: To prepare Bhutan for the UN Global Food Systems Summit, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests is convening the National Dialogue on Bhutan’s Food Systems.
The national dialogue brings together around 30 participants from the government, private sector, CSOs, youth, women and development partners to identify unique pathways to transform the nation’s food systems and the RNR sector through multi-stakeholder consultations.
Addressing the opening session, the Hon’ble Sanam Lyonpo, Yeshey Penjor expressed the commitment of the Ministry to revamp our agri-food sector and transform our food systems. He said, “The agriculture and food sector continues to employ the majority of Bhutanese people. Therefore, it is only fitting that we invest in, build capacity, strengthen support systems, and do all we can to reinvigorate the agri-food sector.” He also talked about the opportunities available to our youth and farming sector and the urgent need for the private sector to play an increasing role.
According to the Ministry’s Chief Planning Officer, Karma Tshering, the current COVID19 pandemic has opened our eyes, brought in sense of duty, solidarity and nationalism. We must transform the food and food system to achieve our vision and mission of food sufficiency and food security including alleviating poverty in our country.
The Ministry also conducted the sub-national dialogues on Food and Food Systems with a theme “Strengthening Bhutanese food systems for Gross National Happiness” at Wangdue, Mongar and Paro in August covering various Dzongkhags.
The recommendations and findings from the regional and national dialogues containing Bhutan’s unique pathways to transform our food systems will be presented during the UN Summit to be held on 23 September 2021.
The UN Summit is aimed to transform the way the world produces, consumes and thinks about foods within the context of the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development and to meet the challenges of poverty, food security, malnutrition, population growth, climate change, and natural resource degradation.
For online information on UN Food Systems Summit 2021, please visit https:/