Okra, a rich medicinal vegetable crop

Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) also known as Lady Finger is a rich medicinal vegetable crop. Raw okra contains about 90% water, 2% protein, 7% carbohydrates and negligible amount of fat.

In a 100g amount, raw okra is rich in dietary fibre, vitamin C and vitamin K with moderate contents of thiamin, folate and magnesium. So adding okra to our diet significantly increases our total fibre, mineral and vitamins intake.

Okra has multiple health benefits such as anti-cancerous, fights diabetes, constipation, asthma and helps in controlling cholesterol level.

Although it is among the most heat and drought tolerant vegetable species and tolerate soil with heavy clay and intermittent moisture, it is still not as prominent like other vegetables in Bhutan due to the lesser known knowledge of its nutritional value.

To promote the important vegetable, the Agriculture Research and Development Centre-Bajo is carrying out on-station okra evaluation trial. Three varieties of Okra including Bajo okra, Japanese Long and Japanese Short are being cultivated for seed production.



