Selected Candidate for Caretaker

The Management of Sakteng Wildlife Sanctuary, Phongmay, Trashigang is pleased to announce the selection interview result for the post of Caretaker (ESP) held on 17th September, 2021 at SWS conference hall.

The following are the interview results:

Sl.NoName of applicantGenderCID NoAverageRankRemarks
1Sonam TashiMale10716003335A  B S E N T
2Karma WangchukMale1150900164076.9044th stand by
3Pema DorjiMale11507002041A  B S E N T
4Jamyang DemaFemale1151100182577.9422nd stand by
5Pema TashiMale1151100178376.0455th stand by
6Sangay TashiMale1151100104482.101Selected
7Leki PhuntshoMale1151100161676.9433rd stand by
8Rinchen ChophelMale11511002188A  B S E N T
9Sangay LedaMale1151100101173.2866th stand by

The selected candidate is requested to report to Sakteng Wildlife Sanctuary, Phongmay on 30/9/2021 at 9.00 am to complete the necessary formalities.

-Sakteng Wildlife Sanctuary, Phongmay

