Selected Candidates for Farm Attendant

ARDC-Bajo is pleased to announce the result of selection interview held on 10/12/2021 for Farm Attendants under ESP category to be placed at CRP, Punakha under ARDC-Bajo, Wangduephodrang.

SlNoName of ApplicantCID No.Total ScoreRemarks
1Gopal Singh Dumjan1130500465081.00 Selected
2Nirmala Tamang1180300291079.00 Selected
3Tshering Pelki1060300102775.67 Selected
4Nim Dolma Tamang1180100033674.33 Selected
5Pema Dolma Tamang1180200096671.67 Selected
6Jai Narayan Upreti1180200104669.83 Standby
7Bhima Maya Upreti1180200105169.67  Standby


The selected candidates should undergo Drug Test prior to appointment, failing which the position shall be offered to the next potential candidates in order of merit ranking.

The above selected Candidate are, hence, asked to report at ARDC-Bajo on December 18,2021  for drug test report as per Section 4.11.2 Chapter 4, BCSR, 2018 and submit to HRD, Ministry of agriculture & Forests for their formal appointment order.

ARDC, Bajo

