As per the announcement made in MoAF website dated on 5th December, 2023, the ARDC, Wengkhar, Mongar is pleased to announce the short-listed candidates for the post of 10 nos. of Farm Attendants (ESP) as details mentioned below:-

Sl.#NameCID NumberInterview Schedule
1Karma Tshering10302002314 















Venue:- Agriculture Research & Development Center, Wengkhar, Mongar



Date:- 8th January, 2024



Time :10:30 AM

2Pema Yangki10606000943
3Dechen Wangmo10606000944
4Sonam Choki10701000688
5Ugyen Dechen Wangmo10704000938
6Sangay Lhamo10708000986
7Rinzin Phuntsho10711000098
8Thinley Wangchuk10712002056
9Sangay Lethro10713000199
10Sangay Zam11005002047
11Sangay Tenzin11111001089
12Ngawang Lhamo11112001078
13Sugam Tshering Lepcha11212004786
14Tshering Yangzom11216000466
15Duptho Zangmo11503000463
16Duptho Zangmo11503000463
17Ugyen Thinley11503001468
18Tshewang Zangmo11503003881
19Tshering Wangmo11503004276
20Pema Choki11503005088
21Nima Tshering11504002772
22Sonam Lhamo11703000968
23Thinley Chedup11805002809
24Prem Kumar Rai11808003035
25Bhim Maya Pradhan11810003522

Note:- The short-listed candidates are requested to report for the Selection Interview as scheduled above, failing which his/her selection will not be entertained. The following documents must produce in original during the time of interview:-

  1. Duly filled in Employment Application Form (Annexure 4/1)
  2. Valid Medical Fitness Certificate original
  3. Valid Approved status report- Security Clearance
  4. Copy of Citizenship Identity Card
  5. No Objection Letter from concerned office if employed.
  6. Other Certificate of Experiences/ Excellence if any
  7. Please mention your other requirements also if any

