Shortlisted Candidate for Animal Attendant

The National Dairy Research & Development Centre, under Department of Livestock, MoAF, Yusipang is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidate for the post of Animal Attendant (ESP) as details mentioned below:

Sl.NoNameGenderCID No Interview Schedule
1Champa Maya RaiFemale11205000189Venue: NDRDC, Conference hall, Yusipang

Date: 22nd  April,2022

Time: 10.00AM


Note: The shortlisted candidate is hereby requested to report to the centre for the selection interview as scheduled above, failing which his/her selection will not be entertained. The following documents must be produced in original during the time of interview:

  1. Valid Medical Fitness Certificate original
  2. Valid Approved status report- Security Clearance
  3. Other Certificate of Experiences/ Excellence if any

-National Dairy Research & Development Centre


