Shortlisted candidate for Helper/Assistant (Lab Utility)

With reference to the vacancy announcement made in the MoAF website and kuensel vide letter no.1 (04) RLDC/WD/2021-2022/92 dated 6th August 2021, RLDC, Wangdue is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for the post of Helper/Assistant (Lab Utility) under the ESP cadre.

Sl no.NameCitizenship Identity Card NoRemarks
1Karma Dorji11704002302Shortlisted
2Tshering Dema10706000407Shortlisted

Therefore, the above shortlisted candidates are required to report for selection interview as per the interview schedule detailed below with the original documents, failing which his/her candidature will not be entertained.

Interview schedule

Time    :           10.30 AM

Date     :           20th September 2021

Venue  :           Conference Hall, RLDC Wangdue

Note: The following documents must be produced in original during the time of interview:

  1. Citizen Identity Card
  2. Valid Medical Fitness Certificate
  3. Valid Security Clearance Certificate
  4. NOC from the parent organization, if employed.
  5. Academic transcripts/certificate, if any
  6. Experience certificate, if any

For any inquiry, please contact 17687984/17700335 /during office hours.

-RLDC, Wangdue

