Shortlisted Candidate for Marketing Officer

In pursuance to the decision of the Ministry 494th HRC Meeting held on 18th August, 2021, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidate for the post of Marketing Officer as detailed below:

Sl. NoNameEID #Position Title/Position LevelWorking AgencyRemarks
1Kinzang Wangchuk20150105008HR Officer/P4AAnti-Corruption CommissionShortlisted

Interview Schedule

Venue: HRD, Conference Hall

Date: 27th August, 2021

Time: 9.30 AM

Note: The shortlisted candidate is required to report for the Selection Interview as scheduled above, failing which the selection shall not be entertained. The following documents must be produced in original during the time of interview: 

  1. Citizenship Identity Card
  2. Valid Medical Fitness Certificate
  3. Original Mark Sheets (PGDPA)and certificates
  4. Any other documents of Excellence if any


