Shortlisted Candidate for the post of Animal Attendance at RPPBC, Limithang

As per the announcement made in MoAF website dated on 31st July, 2024, the RPPBC, Lingmethang, Mongar is pleased to announce the short-listed candidates for the post of 1 no of Animal Attendants (ESP) as details mentioned below:-

Sl. NoNameCID NOContact No. Interview Schedule
1Rinchen Tsheltrim1070400028717705915Β 

Regional Poultry and Piggery Breeding Centre, Conference Hall, Lingmethang, Mongar

On 19th August, 2024

At 9:30 Am Sharp

2Jigme Dorji1070400194917956001
4Tshewang Dema1070500473517919975
5Leki Dema1070600256017721574
6Sangay Youden1070900502077799623
7Sangay Ngedup1070900517617581503
8Sonam Tshomo1071100034517455608
9Sonam Pelzom1071100283477242992
10Singye Lhamo1071300094817270540

Note:- The short-listed candidates are requested to report for the Selection Interview as scheduled above, failing which his/her selection will not be entertained. The Original Medical Certificate and CID documents must produce in original during the time of interview:-


