Shortlisted candidates for ESP

As per the Announcement made in MoAF website on dated 7th October 2021, the Thimphu Forest Division, DoFPS is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for the post of ESP as details mentioned below:

Sl.NoName of the CandidateCIDInterview Schedule
1Ausa11509004405Venue: Thimphu Forest Division, DoFPS
Date: 28/10/2021
Time: 10.00 AM
2Damber Kumari Sanyasi11808000712
3Kinga Yangdon11515001681
4Sonam Choden10203000479
6Tshering Choki11512000490
7Tshering Tshomo10203000483
9Sangay Wangmo10301001240
11Tashi Zangmo10905003322
13Sangay Lhaden11102003074
14Yeshi Dema11302003232

 Note: The shortlisted candidates are requested to report for the Selection Interview as scheduled below, failing which his/her selection will not be entertained. The following documents must be produced in original during the time of interview:

  1. Citizen Identity Card
  2. Valid Medical Fitness Certificate original
  3. Valid Approved Security Clearance
  4. No objection letter if employee
  5. Other Certificate of Experiences/ Excellence if any


