Shortlisted candidates for ESP

The National Equine Research and Development Center, Nasphel, Bumthang is pleased to short-List the following candidates for the following post as detailed below.

Sl.NoName of the CandidateCID No.Interview Schedule
1Changa Dawa10903001698Date: 3/6/2022.

Time: 10.00 am

Venue: Horse Show Room

2Kelzang Dorji10903001696
3Tangki Lhamo10709003997
4Jigme Norbu11005001527

 Note: The short listed candidates are requested to report for the selection interview as scheduled above, falling which the selection will not be considered. The following documents must be produced in original during the time of interview.

  1. Duly filled in Employment Application Form.
  2. Valid Security Clearance ( Online approved status )
  3. Valid Medical Fitness Certificate
  4. Other certificate of experiences /Excellence if there is any.
  5. No object certificate from the concern agency if employee.
  6. Drug Test Certificate
  7. CID copy
  8. Passport size photo (2 Nos.)


