Shortlisted candidates for farm attendants

ARDC, Bajo is pleased to announce the following shortlisted candidates for the post of farm attendants under ESP category advertised vide No.ARDC-B/ADM-07/2021-2022/59, dated November 03, 2021

SlNo.Name of the applicantGenderCID NumberContact Number
1Pema Dolma TamangF1180200096677406002
2Gopal Singh DumjanM1130500465077221820
3Nirmala TamangF1180300291017801308
4Nima Dolma TamangF1180100033617527903
5Sangay TshomoF1110600541277781556
6Nisha Nath BhataraiM1120500070517814754
7Bhima Maya UpretiF1180200105117501969
8Jai Narayan UpretiM1180200104617382496/77230338
9Sonam RinchenM1060800188017838262
10Devi Maya DhakalF1131000067477200313
11Tshering PelkiF1060300102717455292
12Nir Maya TamangM1180900006417689256
13Phul Maya RaiF1181100344317671166
16Dawa PenjoreM1040700177077292286

Therefore, the selection interview shall be held on Friday, December 10, 2021 at 9.00 AM in the office of the Farm Manager, Chhimipang Royal Project (CRP), Punakha failing which the candidature will not be entertained by the HR committee of the Centre.

-ARDC, Bajo

