ARDC, Bajo is pleased to announce the following shortlisted candidates for the post of farm attendants under ESP category advertised vide No.ARDC-B/ADM-07/2021-2022/59, dated November 03, 2021
SlNo. | Name of the applicant | Gender | CID Number | Contact Number |
1 | Pema Dolma Tamang | F | 11802000966 | 77406002 |
2 | Gopal Singh Dumjan | M | 11305004650 | 77221820 |
3 | Nirmala Tamang | F | 11803002910 | 17801308 |
4 | Nima Dolma Tamang | F | 11801000336 | 17527903 |
5 | Sangay Tshomo | F | 11106005412 | 77781556 |
6 | Nisha Nath Bhatarai | M | 11205000705 | 17814754 |
7 | Bhima Maya Upreti | F | 11802001051 | 17501969 |
8 | Jai Narayan Upreti | M | 11802001046 | 17382496/77230338 |
9 | Sonam Rinchen | M | 10608001880 | 17838262 |
10 | Devi Maya Dhakal | F | 11310000674 | 77200313 |
11 | Tshering Pelki | F | 10603001027 | 17455292 |
12 | Nir Maya Tamang | M | 11809000064 | 17689256 |
13 | Phul Maya Rai | F | 11811003443 | 17671166 |
14 | Yangden | F | 1191500233 | 17776588 |
15 | Sonam | M | 10707001230 | 77248553 |
16 | Dawa Penjore | M | 10407001770 | 77292286 |
Therefore, the selection interview shall be held on Friday, December 10, 2021 at 9.00 AM in the office of the Farm Manager, Chhimipang Royal Project (CRP), Punakha failing which the candidature will not be entertained by the HR committee of the Centre.
-ARDC, Bajo