Shortlisted Candidates for the Post of Animal and Pasture Attendant (ESP)

As per the announcement made on kuensel and MoAF website dated June 02 2022, NHRDC/Adm-14/2022/304. The National Highland Research & Development Research Center (NHRDC), Bumthang, Department of Livestock under the Ministry of Agriculture & Forests is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for the post of Animal Attendant (ESP) for Mastiff Breeding Center, Gasa.

S1. No.Name of the CandidateCIDMobile No. 

Interview Schedule

Date: June 27, 2021

Time: 10:30AM

Venue: Mastiff Breeding Center, Gasa

1Mrs. Bir Moti Raini1020900260417713215
2Mr. Dawa Gyeltshen1150600347117789573
3Mrs. Nidup Zangmo10712000123317362220
4Mr. Namgay Phuntsho1191000171577260624

The shortlisted candidates are requested to report for selection interview as scheduled above. For further clarification contact 17410626 Mr. Nima Gyeltshen, Farm Manager, Mastiff Breeding Center (MBC) or 17623710 Choki Wangmo, Adm, NHRDC

Note:- The following documents must be produced in original during the time of the interview.

  1. Citizen Identity Card
  2. Medical Fitness Certificate



