Shortlisted candidates for various posts

As per the approval of the 557th HRC Meeting held on 11th October 2022, the Ministry of Agriculture & Forests is pleased to announce the result of the shortlisted candidates for the following posts as detailed below:

Please click the following links to view the shortlisted candidates for various posts:

  1. Regulatory and Quarantine Inspector II (496 downloads )
  2. Horticulture Supervisor II (475 downloads )
  3. Extension Supervisor II (547 downloads )
  4. Agriculture Supervisor II (516 downloads )
  5. Assistant Forester (548 downloads )

The above shortlisted candidates are requested to report for the selection interview as scheduled (details attached in pdf), failing which the selection will not be considered. The following documents must be produced in original during the time of interview:

  • Original Mark Sheet (Cl.XII & Diploma)
  • Valid Medical Fitness Certificate
  • Citizenship ID Card
  • Certificate in Forestry from UWICER (For Asst. Forester position)
  • Other Certificate of Experience/Excellence if there is any


