The 53rd ICIMOD Board of Governor’s meeting held

6-11 September 2022: The 53rd Session of the ICIMOD Board of Governors Meeting was held in Nepal from 6-7 September. The board meeting approved MTAP V (2023-2026), Annual Plan and Budget 2023, Annual Progress Report 2021, Audit Report 2020 and Internal Control Memorandum. The Hon’ble Secretary as the board member from Bhutan attended the board meeting.

 As a second part of the Board of Governors meeting, the 16-member delegation accompanied by Dr. Pema Gyamtsho, Director General, ICIMOD made a field visit to resilient Mountain Solution supported sites at Haa Dzongkhag from 9- 11 September. The delegation visited the Model Organic Village of Langpa-Nobgang under Samar gewog, Haa Dzongkhag. The village consists of 6 main hamlets with buckwheat, wheat, potato and vegetables as the main agricultural crops beside livestock farming and some forest related activities.

Ms. Ugyen Chezom and Ms. Kinlay Bida from Bangina established green house with the support from ICIMOD. This year, Ms. Ugyen cultivated tomato variety Rubi 90 and earned an average income of around Nu. 57,500 and Ms. Kinley cultivated Rubi 90 and Cosmic with an average income of Nu. 78,900.

Also, a youth dairy and poultry farm at Wangtsa was established with support from ICIMOD. The farm was established in November 2019 with four youths. The farm has 6 cows which gives around 35 liters of milk per day and 1000 poultry birds hatching 210 eggs per day.

Similarly, under the RMS activities the farmers and officials gained relevant capacity development, knowledge exchange program and value addition support in the field of agriculture, forest and Livestock. For the livestock sector the support was mainly in highland livestock development.





