Training on Organic fertilizer production

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forests is pleased to announce the following training at College of Natural Resources (CNR), Lobesa:

CourseSlotsMinimum QualificationLast Date for ApplicationStart DateDurationApplication link
Organic fertilizer production25Class X6th June 202213th June 20225 days
25Class X6th June 202220th June 20225 days

The training will be provided to first 50 applicants on first come first served basis.

Logistics will be provided at the CNR hostel. Additionally, stipend of Nu. 215 per day will be provided to cover meal costs. Interested youths are requested to register at or by clicking on the application link provided in the table.

For further information, please contact Mr. Nima Phuntsho Sherpa at (17668242) or Mr. Kailash Pradhan at (17614798/77614798).


