Training on Equine nutrition and feed production

30-31 March, Bumthang: Gone are the days when horses used to be the main mode of transport for the majority of rural folks in Bhutan. Hundreds of horses from places like Bumthang and other Dzongkhags were seen ferrying oranges in subtropical belts during winter thereby earning steady cash income for the horse keepers.

However, with the accessibility of motorable roads to every corner of the rural villages, the utility and importance of horses are dwindling. Still, the horses are seen as very important for some parts of highland Dzongkhags where the motorable road is not connected. According to the Livestock Statistics 2019, the total equine population in the country is around 16662.

At present, the National Equine Research & Development Center (NERDC) located at Naseyphel supplies mares and breeding stallions to highland Dzongkhags and working towards preserving aged-old tradition and horse-keeping culture.

Considering the need for maintaining the good health of the equine population, the National Research & Development Center for Animal Nutrition organized two days training on equine nutrition and horse feed production. The participants from NERDC and NHRDC in Bumthang attended it.

Following the training, the centers will promote horse feed production and a sound feeding system in the country on a pilot basis to improve equine nutrition and feeding practices. The training is being conducted with fund support from the National Organic Program.

-Submitted by National Research & Development Center for Animal Nutrition, Bumthang

