Vacancy Announcement for Farm Attendants

National Center for Organic Agriculture, DoA, MoAL, Yusipang, Thimphu is pleased to announce the vacancy for the post of Farm Attendants (Elementary Service Personnel) as detailed below:

Sl.NoNo. of slotsPosition TileAge limitsQualificationsDescription of the workRemarks
15 nos.Farm Attendants18-50At least with NFE Education (Farm Work-Plant Nursery Operation, Seed selection, Crop harvest, Orchard Management, Land Preparation (Working in open fields & greenhouse, use of farm machineries, Farm maintenance, plumbing works)Male/


The candidates meeting the eligibility criteria may apply or submit the following documents to Adm. Section of the National Center for Organic Agriculture, Yusipang, with effect from 17th March, 2023 to 30th March, 2023 before (5:00PM) in hard copy 

  1. Duly filled in RCSC Employment Application Form 4/1
  2. Photocopy of CID
  3. Valid Medical Certificate 
  4. Security Clearance 
  5. Academic Certificates (Atleast with NFE education certificate)
  6. No Objection Certificate, if employed
  7. Other Certificate of Experiences/ Excellence if any

The shortlisted candidates with venue, date & time for interview will be announce on the Ministry website. 

For further information contact at # 77105969 (Adm) visits

-DoA Yusipang, Thimphu

