Vacancy for Animal Attendant

The National Piggery Development Center in Gelephu, Department of Livestock is please to invite application from eligible Bhutanese nationals for the following vacant posts under ESP category.

Sl. No.Name of the postCategoryRequirement/


Age limitRemarks
1Animal AttendantESP3 (male and female)18-40 yearsRe-announcement


The interested Bhutanese citizen may submit the application along with security clearance, medical certificate, RCSC employment form (Annexure 4/1) and citizenship card copy on or before 31st January, 2023 to the Program Director, NPiDC, Gelephu.

The shortlisted candidates will be called for interview on 8th February 2023 at NPiDC office, Gelephu. For further information, please contact administrative section at 17628869/17668466/17695110.

Note: Application must note down the post mentioned above while filling the forms.


-National Piggery Development Center



