Vacancy Re-Announcement for 3rd time

The Phibsoo Wildlife Sanctuary, Shariphu, Singye Geog under Sarpang Dzongkhag is pleased to announce the following vacancies for the post of GSP under Department of Forest and Park Services, DoFPS, MoAF for immediate recruitment.

S.NPostCategoryNo. of PostAge Limit (Years)Place of Posting
1Mahout (Animal Caretaker)GSP418-40Royal Guest House Wangchuk Lingka Out Post.

Submit your complete set of documents to Administration section under Phibsoo Wildlife Sanctuary on 7th December 2022 before 5 pm, incomplete documents shall not entertained for short listing.

 Document Required

  1. Application Form (Can download application from ANNEXURE 4/1  or   or
  2. Valid medical certificate
  3. Valid Security clearance certificate (online)
  4. Copy of citizen identity card
  5. Past experience letter if any
  6. For further detailed visit our website or contact the Administrative Section at 17536443/17577610 during Office hours.

Phibsoo Wildlife Sanctuary Management


