Yak fiber Collection and Processing hands on Training for Extension Officials at the Yak Fiber Processing Centre in Chonaphu, Haa

July 16, 2023: A day-long training program on yak hair collection and processing took place at the Wool Processing Center in Chonaphu, Haa Dzongkhag. The training aimed to provide extension officials from highland dzongkhags and representatives from the National Highland Development Centre (NHDC) and the Department of Livestock (DoL) with practical skills to train local herders on yak hair combing, collection, transportation, sorting, grading, and processing.

The training was conducted by Ms. Nancy Johnston, an FAO consultant from the House of Tengri, a luxury fibre innovation company based in the United Kingdom. Ms. Johnston showcased samples of yak hair products from the Tengri company, demonstrating the grading system of noble fibres and displaying how high-end quality products are produced. The Department of Livestock officials learned about the significance of combing yak hair during the collection process and the importance of transferring this knowledge to local herders.

A similar training session will be conducted in Bumthang, extending the opportunity to participants from other highland dzongkhags. The training program held in Haa Dzongkhag equipped extension officials with practical skills and knowledge necessary to train herders in yak hair collection for establishing the finest quality at source, with further quality improvements at the processing stage. The upcoming training in Bumthang aims to disseminate this knowledge further, fostering the growth of the local yak fiber industry and enhancing the livelihoods of herders. Ms. Johnston emphasized the potential for the Bhutan yak fibre industry to establish a presence on the global market by incorporating traditional textiles craftsmanship, and a strong  narrative development which incorporates the richness of cultural and traditional values. With the rarity of the fiber on the global market, she also suggested branding it as noble yak fibre for ensuring a luxury  marketing positioning worldwide.

